The primary goal of First District RESA is school improvement, reflected in increased student learning. FDRESA plans, manages, coordinates, and provides assistance to schools and systems in achieving school improvement goals. The Educational Division’s efforts are tailored to the specific needs of each school system, targeting the unique goals and priorities for each school based on their own improvement plan. To this end, FDRESA staff work alongside system personnel to annually conduct formal, comprehensive data collection, using the data to shape services offered to each system.
As a part of the school improvement process, FDRESA works to build capacity in systems and schools to employ data-driven decision making. Through the meaningful and informed use of data, client schools can establish measurable student achievement goals and successfully implement interventions for increased student learning.
FDRESA curriculum and instructional services are most often concentrated using formative assessment to help guide differentiated instruction in the core academic areas across all grade levels, prekindergarten through grade 12. Professional learning on scientific research-based strategies in reading, English language arts, and mathematics continues to be a high priority.